Sprayer Boom produced by 40x40 and 25x25 square profile iron with another dimensions. Moreover depending on the crop height, the distance can be adjusted by hole which are on chassis, holes distance are 7 cm between each other. The distance can be adjusted 15 steps. The boom is equipped with ½” plastic tubes. Sprayer boom is composed of 5 fixed and pliable parts. Nozzle type is hallow cone nozzles with clamps on sprayer boom which’s inside empty. The distance between each nozzle is 50 cm. There are 16 nozzles on the boom. Plaque’s calibre is 1,2 mm which is in the nozzle.
600 L. - 800 L. - 1000 L. Mounted Type Field Sprayer:
Sprayer Boom produced by 50x50 and 30x30 square profile iron with another dimensions. Moreover depending on the crop height, the distance can be adjusted by hole, hole is on the frame, it is back of chassis which is made with 60x6 angle iron, holes distance are 7 cm between each other. The distance can be adjusted 18 steps. The boom is equipped with ½” plastic tubes. Sprayer boom is composed of 5 fixed and pliable parts. Nozzle type is hallow cone nozzles with clamps on sprayer boom which’s inside empty. There are 21 nozzles on the boom. The distance between each nozzle is 50 cm. Plaque’s calibre is 1.2 mm which is in the nozzle.
800 L. - 1000 L. Mounted Type Super Field Sprayer:
Sprayer Boom produced by 50x50 and 40x40 square profile iron with another dimensions. The distance from the crop can be adjusted between 5 cm - 1 m. by hydraulic system without steps. Sprayer boom is composed of 5 fixed and pliable parts. Liquid control can be adjusted by each left boom part and right boom part. Balance system of boom can be adjusted by piston and springs where springs are on the left and right side of boom. The boom is equipped with ½” plastic tubes. We are using fan throw nozzles with clamps on sprayer. There are 25 nozzles on the boom. The distance between each nozzle is 50 cm. Nozzle’s orifice dimension is 0,5x1,5 mm.