Disc Plough Product Manuals

Points to Consider During Ploughing

Disc Plough Points to Consider During Ploughing
• During ploughing, front and rear of the chassis should be parallel to ground. This parallelism is obtained by extending or shortening the upper link arm.

• Be careful against the possibility that invisible rocks and roots may be present within the soil during ploughing.

• Keep the travelling speed constant.

• Working depth should be constant and adjusted from the adjustment wheel if equipped and it should be marked with the hydraulic control arm fixing valve after the desired depth is set.

• The first furrow should be opened straight and the second furrow should be parallel to the first one.

• Front selector must be in “DRAW CONTROL” position during ploughing.

• When plough is within the soil, do not make back maneuver and do not turn until the plough is pulled from the soil at furrow ends.

• For equal working depth, the distances from blades to plough roof should be equal.

• Leave safe cushioning distances at furrow ends for turning.