Pneumatic Planter Product Manuals


1. The power of tractor should be convenient to machine which mentioned in technical specication (pto rotation 540 rpm).
2. Air pressure in the tractor’s tires must be sucient.
3. It is inconvenience within motion area of lifting levers.
4. It is absolutely forbidden to stand between tractor and equipment while adjusting middle lever.
5. It is absolutely forbidden in space between tractor and equipment with engine running and without hand brake pulled.
6. If your machine has hydraulic system the both side of system should be under pressure while connecting the hydraulic hoses of machine to tractor’s hydraulic system.
7. If your machine has electric system, electric and sensor connections should be connected safely.


Pneumatic Planter Attach of the Machine to the Tractor
The cardan shaft that is given together with machine is standard size. If cardan shaft is longer, you can cut it to shorten as shown in figure 1 and figure 2. 

As shown in figure 1, minimum 15 cm part of cardan shaft must be overlapped when shaft is pulled away. 

As shown in figure 2, minimum 4 cm spaces must be kept when shaft is engaged to the end.

Pneumatic Planter Attach of the Machine to the Tractor


1. Comply with transport regulations and highway limits.

2. When driving on public roads, pay attention trac lights and indicators.

3. Any transport accessories must be provided with suitable signs and guards.

4. It is very important to remember that road holding capacity as well as direction and braking capacity can be inuenced, sometimes considerably by equipment being either carried or towed.

5. When taking bend, calculate centrifugal force and centre of gravity will shift depending on whether equipment is being carried or not.

6. For transport adiust and fasten side lever chain. Lock hydraulic lifting control lever.

7. For displacements beyond working area, equipment must be placed in transportation position.

8. When dimensions of carried or partially carried equipment conceal tractor’s signaling and lighting devices, these must also be installed on equipment itself, in conformity with regulations of highway of country involved. When in operation make sure that lighting system is in perfect working order. It is also important to remember that correct signaling sequence of headlights includes.

When machine is jointed to tractor, it becomes an integral part of it. Attached equipment’s weight is closely related with road position and stability of tractor. In normal conditions, it is assumed that % 20 of tractor weight is carried by front axle. In this case, attached equipment’s weight should not be greater than 0/030 of tractor weight. This factor can be summarized in following formulas:

Pneumatic Planter Attach of the Machine to the Tractor

When machine is attached to tractor, front weights should put through above mentioned formula. These weights should be calculated according to capacity of tractor’s lifting weight and packing.