1. The distance between the disc is adjusted 25 cm from factory settings. The disc distance is adjusted by raising the disc harrow from ground. By losing the clamp bolts, distance between the discs are easily adjusted (Figure 8).
2. Back roller is an optional part on the disc harrow an easily mount/dismount from the harrow by the roller dismantling bolts (Figure 9).
3. Adjust the Left/Right lower link height adjustment mechanism on the tractor so that both are same height from the ground so that disc harrow will be parallel to the ground (Right/Left). The paralelizm of the Back/Front adjustment is done by the top link of the tractor.
4. The working depth of the first body is adjusted from the tractor hydraulic (See in Figure 5 and 6). To assure the constant working depth for the first body, use either the automatic hydraulic fixer that is standard for most of the tractor models or the secure pin on the tractor control adjustment arm for lower linkage of the tractor.