The impeller (Figure 1) creates a vacuum inside the distributors, so that the seeds are aspirated onto the holes in the plate. The tensioning and the good condition of the belt (4, Figure 1) have a vital importance for the operation of the impeller and the sucess of the sowing. The belt is correctly tensioned whem it does not yield under the pressure of a hand.
Belt control:
- Remove the protective cover
- Loosen the screws (Figure 1 no:1)
- Loosen the nut (Figure 1 no:2)
- Change the belt if it is worn
- Tension the belt by tightening the screws (Figure 1 no:3)
- Tighten the bolts loosend before and close the protective cover.
Vacuum meter:
The vacuum meter (Figure 2) is a device which enables to control the pressure. By means of this vacuum meter the aspiration measures ranging from 0 to 100 mbar can be measured.The average aspiration values for the large seeds are: 60-70 mbar and for small seeds: 40-50 mbar.
Comply with the number of rpm which is recommended.